
School health services are provided by a certified school nurse, together with parents and health care providers, to maintain and promote good health for our students. The school nurse provides assistance in evaluating present or potential health problems to ensure that a student’s learning potential will not be lessened by physical or mental health obstacles. School health services do not replace the parent/guardian's responsibility for obtaining healthcare. Research has shown health has a direct impact on a student's ability to learn. Unrecognized health problems can contribute to absenteeism, inattention, and disciplinary problems. Important information on clinic procedures for each building can be found in Student Handbooks.

Please be sure to notify the school nurse if any information changes for your child during the school year. This includes contact information, medical condition changes, changes/additions/deletions in medication, etc. Up-to-date information is critical for us to have in case of an emergency.

The Ohio Department of Health requires all students entering 7th and 12th grades to receive Tdap vaccines and/or boosters and Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccines and/or boosters prior to the start of the school year. Please consult with your physician to ensure your child is current on required vaccines before the school year starts. The school will need written proof of updated vaccinations from the doctor's office or clinic within 14 days of the start of the school year. 


The state mandated school health screenings that will be completed within the first few months of the school year are:
  • Hearing screenings - Grades K, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11
  • Vision screenings - Grades K, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11
Parents/guardians will be notified by the school nurse if there any abnormal findings are observed.


Allergies & Anaphylaxis

Students shall be permitted to carry and use, as necessary, an epinephrine autoinjector to treat anaphylaxis, provided the student has prior written approval from the prescriber of the medication and his/her parent/guardian, if the student is a minor, and has submitted written approval to the principal and any school nurse assigned to the building. The parent/guardian or the student shall provide a back-up dose of the medication to the principal or school nurse. This permission shall extend to any activity, event, or program sponsored by the school or in which the school participates. In the event epinephrine is administered by the student or a school employee at school or at any of the covered events, a school employee shall immediately request assistance from an emergency medical service provider (911).


Students diagnosed with asthma need to have an Asthma Action Plan on file with the school nurse. In accordance with State law, the Board of Education shall procure Asthma Inhalers for use in emergency situations. An Asthma Inhaler is a device that delivers medication to alleviate asthmatic symptoms, is manufactured in the form of a metered dose inhaler or dry powder inhaler, and may include a spacer, holding chamber, or other device that attaches to the inhaler and is used to improve the delivery of the medication. Students may administer medication or treatment to themselves, if authorized in writing by their parents and a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs, but only in the presence of a designated school employee.

Students shall be permitted to carry and use, as necessary, an asthma inhaler, provided the student has prior written permission from his/her parent and physician and has submitted the Authorization for the Possession and Use of Asthma Inhalers/Other Emergency Medication(s), to the principal and school nurse. 

Communicable / Nuisance Diseases

The Board of Health has guidelines that must be followed in regards to these diseases. Some examples of the more common diseases seen in the school setting are: common colds, pinkeye, the flu, impetigo, head lice, ringworm, and strep throat. The school nurse is not a doctor and cannot diagnose diseases. Therefore, please take your child to your family physician if you suspect a communicable or nuisance disease before sending them to school. A guideline sheet is available upon request.

COVID Guidance

The Brookfield Local School District continues to follow the guidance of the Trumbull County Combined Health District for managing and monitoring COVID cases. As we start the 2023-24 school year they recommend the following for all positive cases.

Those who test positive must isolate at home for five (5) days. They may return on day six (6) if symptoms are improving and they wear a tight fitting mask for days six through ten. No testing to return is required; however, if they take two (2) antigen tests - 48 hours apart, starting on day six (6), and they are both negative, they may return without a mask. 

Immunization Policy

In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the Board of Education requires all students to be immunized against certain diseases in accordance with State statutes, unless specifically exempt for medical or other reasons.  Students enrolled in grades K-12 are required to have written proof on file at their school that they are fully immunized. This is state law. The Ohio State requirements for students vary according to grade level. A student may be exempted from immunization upon the presentation of the written objection of his/her parent or guardian or the written certification of a physician that such immunization is medically contraindicated.

 A child who has not completed immunization may be admitted to school provided the necessary immunizations are being received in the fastest time consistent with the approved immunization schedule and good medical practice. Students who are not in compliance may be excluded from school attendance no later than the fifteenth day after admission. You will be notified by the school if your child is not in compliance.

Medication at School

The Brookfield Local School District recognizes that some students are able to attend school regularly only through the effective use of medication for the treatment of medical conditions that are not harmful to others. If possible, all such medications should be administered by the parent at home. Please discuss with your physician the possibility of your child receiving the medication on a schedule which would not require it to be administered in school. If this is not possible, it will be administered in school under the following conditions, which comply with Ohio Law. 

  1. Care Plan Form must be completed and returned to the school. Note that the top portion of the form is to be completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the bottom portion of the form must be completed by the physician who prescribed the medication. A Care Plan must be submitted for each medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) and must be done on an annual basis.

  2. The parent/guardian assumes the responsibility of furnishing the school with the medication, which must be in the container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or others licensed to prescribe medication. Non-prescription drugs must also be in original containers. Medicine not in the original container will not be dispensed.

  3. Medication that is brought to the office will be properly secured. Medication is to be conveyed to school directly by the parent/guardian. Two to four week supply is recommended. Medication MAY NOT be sent to school in the student's lunch box, pocket, or other means on or about his/her person. An exception to this would be emergency medications for asthma, allergies, and/or other reactions.

  4. The parent/guardian agrees to immediately furnish to the school a revised statement signed by the physician who prescribed the medication, if any of the information stated on the Care Plan changes.

  5. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to claim any unused medication within one week after the school year ends or within one week after it is no longer needed. Any unclaimed medication will be destroyed. It is understood that it is the responsibility of the student to obtain his/her medication at the prescribed time. Please remind your child of this. Equipment necessary for the administration of the medication is to be supplied by the parent/guardian.

  6. Ohio Law, as well as the policy of the Board of Education, states that: No employee who is authorized to administer a prescribed drug and who has a copy of the most recent statement would be liable in civil damages for administering or failing to administer the drug, unless he/she acted in a manner that would constitute, "gross negligence or wanton or reckless misconduct."

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school.


The district will perform vision screenings at the beginning of each school year for students in grades Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th. Hearing screenings will be completed at the beginning of each school year for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th grades. Either of these screenings can also be completed upon parent request.

When to Stay Home

In order to maintain the health safety of all students and staff, please review the following guidelines to help determine when your child should be kept home from school.

Please keep children home if they have the following:
  • Fever*
  • Vomiting*
  • Diarrhea*
  • Sore throat*
  • Nasal secretions (yellow and/or green in color)*
  • Persistent cough*
  • Conjunctivitis (red or runny eye)*
  • Rashes*
  • Pain from earache, headache, sore throat, or a recent injury
  • Shortness of breath or an increase in wheezing
  • Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s)
  • Communicable disease
      *The above symptoms need to be absent for at least 24 hours before returning to school

A fever is a strong indicator of the body fighting an infection. Children should be kept home if they have a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher. They may return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.

Vomiting or Diarrhea
Recurrent vomiting or diarrhea often means infection.

Sore Throat
During the school year, we see a number of children with strep throat. Not all children will have classic sore throat symptoms. Difficulty swallowing, a sore neck, headache, stomach ache, loss of appetite, and swollen or tender neck glands are all signs to watch for in your child. if you notice these symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider. 

Cold or Flu Symptoms
Children who are coughing or sneezing are spreading infection and need to be kept home from school. Be especially cautious if your child has a productive cough, or has nasal secretions which are yellow or green in color. 

Children who are placed on antibiotics for strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), or other health conditions, must be on these medications for more than 24 hours before returning to school to prevent the spread of infection.
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